Corporate Governance
We firmly believes that for a corporation to ensure business excellence and long-term growth, it must demonstrate exemplary corporate governance. Thus, it diligently observes the Code of Corporate Governance Practices (“CG Code”), set out in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (“Listing Rules”) on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Stock Exchange”), and other Stock Exchange recommendations, with the exceptions listed in the section “Corporate Governance Report” in the latter part of this report. In addition to abiding by rules and regulations, the Group also believes that the values held by a company and its leaders are critical to ensuring the company’s creditability and overall performance. The Group values the governance, counsel and guidance of its directors. All its executive directors are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Group’s operations and regular meetings are held with senior management to formulate and communicate the Group’s overall strategy and corporate policies. Furthermore, the Board remains vigilant of conditions that may affect the Group’s financial situation and business performance, as well as shareholders’ interests. To ensure the Group’s financial and accounting policies are strictly implemented, the audit committee meets regularly to review the completeness, accuracy and fairness of the Group’s financial statements. We also take the nature and scope of external auditors’ reviews into account in guiding corporate finance implementations.

The Structure of Corporate Governance
(1) Board of Directors
The Board comprises a total of 11 Directors, including 7 Executive Directors, 1 Non-Executive Director and 3 INEDs.
(2) Audit Committee
Audit Committee comprises three INEDs.
(3) Remuneration Committee
Remuneration Committee comprises two INEDs and one Executive Director.
(4) Nomination Committee
Nomination Committee comprises three INEDs.